Last updated sailboats

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  builder name Designer Lenght Year  
Elan 295 Elan Marine Rob Humphreys 9,48 mt 1996 show more
First 42s7 Beneteau Bruce Farr, Philippe Stark 12,95 mt   show more
Walkabout 43 Walkabout Yacht David Reard 12,99 mt 2010 show more
Dehler 38 (st/cws) Dehler Van De Stadt 11,80 mt 1987 show more
Y40 - Fast Cruiser Triplast Andrej Justin 12,00 mt   show more
Piranha Beneteau   5,20 mt 1976 show more
Aloa 23 racer Aloa Marine   7,00 mt   show more
Duo 26 Dufour Yachts Philippe Costard 8,00 mt 1999 show more
Comet 1000 Comar Yachts Groupe Finot 9,75 mt 1979 show more
Jouet 22 Yachting France Elvstrøm & Kjærulff Yacht Design 6,55 mt   show more
Moody 44 Marine Projects Bill Dixon 13,41 mt 1991 show more
Etap 28 Etap Van De Stadt 8,42 mt 1978 show more
A35 Archambault Joubert-Nivelt 10,59 mt 2006 show more
Balanzone Intercarene Sciomachen 9,00 mt 1980 show more
Arrogance 50 Teknocantieri Scuarci 15,00 mt 1981 show more
Albin Vega 27 (Larsson Vega) Albin Per Brohall 8,25 mt 1966 show more
Dehler 33 Cruising Dehler Judel/Vrolijk 9,99 mt 1995 show more
Dufour 34 Performance Dufour Yachts Patrick Roséo, Umberto Felci 10,60 mt 2003 show more
Sun Fast 35 Jeanneau   10,85 mt   show more
Grand Soleil 41 Cantiere del Pardo Groupe Finot 12,40 mt 1980 show more
Boxer 24 Classis Epaminonda Ceccarelli 7,22 mt 1974 show more
Wanderer Porter Brothers Gb Ian Proctor 4,30 mt   show more
Hobie Cat 17 Hobie Cat   5,18 mt   show more
Euros 39 Amel   11,64 mt   show more
Optimist   Clark Mills 2,30 mt 1947 show more

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